Life is versioning
Life is Versioning...
Life is Version Controlled.
When you are born, me1.0.
When you complete graduation, me2.0.
When you complete 5 years in job me3.0.
When you get married, me4.0.
Your first child, me5.0.
Your second child, me6.0.
Your 25th Anniversary, me 6.0.
Your 70th Birthday, me7.0.
You in old age home, me8.0.
Just before death me9.0.
If we think every person documents his learnings in his document versioned mex.0. Then, let us call size of the document to be size(mex.0).
For most,
Size(me1.0) < Size(me5.0) = Size(me9.0)
For Few,
Size(me1.0) << Size(me2.0) << ... << Size(me9.0)
Are you in the few ??